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Jill McCarthy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director


My Story


Who would have ever thought, I would be all about that SCENTSY/BE YOUR OWN BOSS LIFE? Certainly not me! I still can't believe what it has all turned into 15 years later.

I truly found my place the day I found Scentsy.  I was born and raised in Maine and moved to South Florida 25 years ago. During a time when I was dealing with a tremendous amount of adversity in my personal life, even though I had a corporate job as a Social Media Strategist, I was looking for something I could call my own and also make new friends and connections. I had no idea what Scentsy even was when I joined but thank goodness I did because when the doors of my company closed in 2014 with no notice, Scentsy saved me. Never in a million years did I think I could do this FULL TIME. Never did I think I would want to. I was never going to be "one of those people." I never wanted to sell to anyone & I certainly NEVER thought, you could replace a corporate job's income.

I signed up for Scentsy secretly in August 2009 after many failed attempts at other Direct Sales companies. Deep down I truly thought I would fail at Scentsy too, so I started with the intent of only joining for a discount. I loved the products and the safety and the quality of everything Scentsy was doing but I just hated the idea of thinking I had to bug family and friends. (Which I never had to do) I have always loved the idea of being my own boss but I was fearful & worried what people would think. (DUMMY ME LOL)

It didn't take long for me too figure out that Scentsy was contagious. I loved sharing my love for Scentsy & it quickly became more than just a hobby or a discount. Scentsy has built up my confidence, helped me realize my purpose and has created lasting friendships that I could never imagine my life without. I am now proud to have people ask me what I do. I shout it from the roof tops without a care in the world as to what people think...... and I still get excited when people ask, "What is Scentsy.?"

Scentsy is now my full time thang & it is so much more than about warmers and wax. I take all the things that I have learned over the last 12 years and help other hopeful business owners overcome fear, gain confidence and help them see how amazing they truly are.  

I was a full time Social Media/Compliance Director for 14 years before Scentsy and in 2014 because of this amazing business, I was able to stay home and be proud of what I do every day. I am passionate, excited, happy, driven and most of all grateful that I am able to inspire so many other people.

Our amazing WE SHINE BRIGHTER UNITED family of teams would have never been and lives would not be changing. I have made so many incredible friendships and met so many people that I truly don't know how my life would be with out the people in my Scentsy family.

 I am a completely different person than before this business found me and I am forever grateful and blessed that I just followed my heart.

I have 6 little fur babies and I am blessed to have the support of my best friend and we are now planning a wedding. He sees that I am truly my happiest when I am running my Scentsy business & supports every aspect of that. Income, Travel, Friendships, Community and so much more.

Some Milestones & Memorable Moments: 

First Promotion: Certified in September 2009

Shooting Star Award September 2009

Scentsational Start Award November 2009

Leadership Promotion: Director Promotion October 2010

Summer Incentive Winner May, June, July 2011

Star Director Promotion November 2011

Director Bootcamp Graduate 2012

Costa Rica Incentive Trip Earner for Two 2013

Spring Sprint Speaker February 2013

Super Star Director Promotion November 2015

Spring Sprint Presenter 2016

Disney Incentive Trip Earner 2016

Scentsy Family Reunion 2016 Presenter

Super Star Director Summit 2016

World Premiere Site Leader 2017

Punta Cana Incentive Trip Earner for Two 2017

Mediterranean Cruise Incentive Earner 2018 (MY FAV)

Scentsy Convention Presenter 2018

Leadership Presenter 2019

Scentsy Reunion Presenter 2019

NYC & Bermuda Incentive Trip Earner 2020

Disney/Colorado Incentive Trip Earner 2021

Incentive Earner 2024

Everything happens for a reason. Scentsy found me when I truly needed it most. Some of my amazing memories in the last 15 years are because of this business. I love seeing my team succeed and do things they have never dreamed of doing. I love being a part of their journey and helping every single one of them get to the next level.  I love Scentsy just as much as did as the first day the kit showed up on my door step.

One of my coolest blessings happening in November of 2015 when I became a Superstar Director: the highest level of our compensation plan! To think I started my Scentsy business and hid my kit. To think I make 3 times what I did per month at my corporate job doesn't seem real. My only regret is that I didn't join sooner. Don't have the same regret as me. Choose YOU! Don't let a BOSS dictate your freedom. Stop missing dance recitals and birthday parties because of you "JOB". The way I see it, you have $99 to lose and unlimited opportunities to gain. What is the last thing you spent $99 on that actually paid you back?

I am currently looking for NEW PEOPLE to add to our SCENTSY FAMILY. Our team is amazing and I would love to help you get started on this journey.

Lets chat and see where a journey like this could take you. Are ready to have your life changed and become your own boss? Then this is the perfect business for you! What are you waiting for? Don't be like me and wish you joined sooner! Its only $99 to join, which includes your starter kit and a free website for 3 months. Plus being your OWN BOSS? UMM hello! It's time for you to determine your destiny!!

Want to just take a peek at what happens behind the scenes? Follow me on Instagram.

Want to just dive in? Let's do it!

I look forward to becoming friends & seeing how Scentsy can bring joy to your life!

Hugs & Love, Jilleysue

When speaking about travel & income, I’m required to include our income disclosure statement. Results not typical but totally doable if you want to reach for the STARS!!!

What's warming in my home